The Viaticum is the Holy Eucharist administered with the intention of preparing the sick for death. This Blessed Sacrament is indeed the Bread of Life, of which every good Christian frequently partakes during health; but when the soul is about to pass from the body there arises a new and peculiar obligation of receiving it. This obligation is founded on the abundant graces which this holy Sacrament, above all the rest, is capable of imparting, and which are at that time so necessary. It is the safeguard that must preserve the soul on its journey to heaven; it is the pledge of immortal glory. He who eateth this bread shall live for ever (St. John vi. 59). The sick person will therefore make his best endeavor for a worthy preparation for this reception.
But even if the sick person is not near death, it is salutary for the priest to visit the homebound with Holy Communion, hear their confession, and anoint them, if necessary. The fifteen minutes before the priest arrives should be spent in prayer and recollection to the degree possible. Before he arrives, the following things should be made ready in the sick-room: (1) a table, covered with a clean, white cloth; and upon it (2) at least one candlestick, holding a blessed candle lighted; (3) a Crucifix; and (4) a small glass with fresh water (for the ablution after Communion).
The priest bearing the Blessed Sacrament should be met at the door by some one holding a lighted candle, who should go before him to the place prepared. All should then retire, while the confession of the sick person is being heard, and return immediately thereafter to assist at the giving of the Holy Communion, remaining kneeling and spending the time in prayer.