Safe Environment Training

Safe Environment

As a canonical parish within the Archdiocese of Seattle, North American Martyrs is required to participate in the Safe Environment Program. Please see the below instructions and links to assist you in being compliant with our policies.

Volunteers Who Have Contact with Minors or Vulnerable Adults

All volunteers who have contact with minors or vulnerable adults in their volunteer capacity are required to be in compliance with Safe Environment policies. There are three elements to the Safe Environment Program. 1) Criminal background check, 2) Signed acknowledgement of abuse prevention policies, and 3) Safe Environment training.

You need to register for a Virtus account to complete the background check and electronically sign the policies. You will also prompt your Safe Environment training class. All classes (both initial and renewal) are completed online and take between 30 - 60 minutes. These requirements are recorded in your Virtus account and a notice is sent to the parish’s Safe Environment Coordinator. For instructions on creating a Virtus account, completing the online requirements, and registering for a class, click here. (please use this URL: InstructionsVirtusSignUp.pdf (

Background checks and training must be completed every three years that you are a volunteer. Virtus will prompt you when these are due.

Volunteers with Access to Cash, Checks and Negotiables

Volunteers with access to cash, checks, and other negotiables (ushers and money counters) are required to complete a Background Check every three years. For instructions to create your Virtus account, click here. (please use this URL: InstructionsVirtusSignUp.pdf (

For more information regarding Safe Environment, please click here to go to the Archdiocesan Safe Environment webpage. If you are unsure of your registration status, need log-on credentials for Virtus, or have other questions, please contact the Safe Environment Coordinator,

Archdiocese of Seattle Safe Environment Reporting

Report Bishop Abuse

Protect and Heal

Ethics Point

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