Sacred music has a very important place in the worship of the Church and has been a priority at NAM since its establishment.
New members are welcome to join.
Men of the parish may volunteer to become an usher for Sunday Masses.
Serving at NAM is a privilege open to males of all ages who have made their First Holy Communion and whose families are registered parishioners.
Women of the parish may volunteer for the Altar Society to support the upkeep of the parish.
1st and 3rd Saturdays from 9-10am in the Fr. Reichmann Hall.
Young adults (ages 18-25) meet on the third Saturday of the month.
The Troops of Saint George (TSG) is a Catholic nonprofit apostolate for priests, men, and young men looking for a life of adventure coupled with virtue. Open to boys (with father/sponsor) ages 6-18 and meets once a month.
As a canonical parish within the Archdiocese of Seattle, North American Martyrs is required to participate in the Safe Environment Program. Please click below to see the instructions and links to assist you in being compliant with our policies.